surgical video SERIES

Lateral Wall Sinus Grafting

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1.5 Hours




Dr. Michael A. Pikos



Course Objectives

Module 1
  • CBCT evaluation
  • Incision design
  • Step-by-step surgical protocol
  • Sinus membrane repair
  • rhBMP-2 bone graft
  • Implant placement
  • Suturing

Module 2
  • Incision design, flap management and lateral window design
  • Use of Piezosurgery device, implant osteotomy preparation, sinus bone grafting including the use of allograft, xenograft, and L-PRF
  • Simultaneous implant placement nonsubmerged, flap release, soft tissue closure

Course Content

Dr. Michael A. Pikos

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Dr. Pikos is founder and CEO of the Pikos Institute. Since 1990 he has been teaching advanced bone and soft tissue grafting courses along with full arch immediate reconstruction courses with alumni that now number more than 6,800 from all 50 states and 67 countries. Dr. Pikos maintains a private practice which is limited exclusively to implant surgery in Trinity, Florida.