PIKOS partner

Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration

This immersive 23-module online course from the creator of the IDR technique used by thousands of dentists worldwide will comprehensively guide you through the method, step-by-step, helping you ultimately deliver excellent esthetic outcomes for your patients.
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10 Hours




Dr. José Carlos Martins da Rosa



About the Course

Through Dr. da Rosa's course, you will learn how to:

  • Diagnose sockets with bone defects
  • Treat intact and compromised post-extraction sockets using autogenous bone from maxillary tuberosity
  • Master the concept, bone biology, and techniques of Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR), including detailed procedures and indications
  • Fabricate temporary crowns with optimal emergence profiles
  • Apply cortico-cancellous grafting techniques across various alveolar bone loss scenarios

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Course Content

Dr. José Carlos Martins da Rosa

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With 30 years of experience, Dr. da Rosa feels blessed with the opportunity to develop the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) technique. The work, which emerged from a clinical insight in 2006, enabled a significant advance in dentistry. In addition, because it is a simple technique with predictable results, the methodology facilitates the daily lives of patients and professionals. He aims to disseminate the IDR technique beyond the professional scope to make it applicable to the most significant number of dentists worldwide, benefiting patient outcomes for a better life.